Section outline

  • People

    Welcome to Rotary and District 9675. What a great journey you have begun. We imagine you are a little overwhelmed with all of the new information you have been presented with on joining the organisation. To help you gain an understanding of Rotary we have developed this resource.

    This will be available for you to access after you have attended the face-to-face workshop or a Zoom session. We will be using this resource to deliver our workshops. 

    One way also to support your learning is to ensure you have a mentor in your club. Choose someone you are comfortable with and who has a deep understanding of Rotary and experience in being a Rotarian.

    Navigating MyLearning

    Read the following instructions on how to navigate MyLearning.

    Rotary Acronyms 

    Rotary uses many acronyms and this may be very confusing for new Rotarians. So download the file of Rotary Acronyms and use it to familiarise yourself with the terms.

  • Rotary InternationalRotary is an international membership organisation made up of people who share a passion for and commitment to enhancing communities and improving lives across the world. Rotary clubs exist in almost every country. Our members change lives locally and connect with other clubs to work on international projects that address today’s most pressing challenges. Being a member is an opportunity to take action and make a difference, and it brings personal rewards and lifelong friendships in the process. 

    There are more than 1.2 million Rotary club members, or Rotarians, around the world. Your potential to do good in your community as a Rotarian is far greater than it was before you joined. You’ll have the privilege of working with other professionals and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others by bringing together your expertise, skills, and resources.

    (Adapted from Rotary Basics)

    Learn about Rotary

    Read the information in the following resource to learn about Rotary.

  • ProjectsThere are many Rotary projects that you can engage in as a new member. All Rotary projects are aligned to its key areas of focus.

    Projects are divided into Community, International, Youth/New Generations, and Vocational. Club projects vary greatly and are designed to best meet the needs of its community.

    Take the time to learn what is available to you as a new Rotarian. Working on a project will get you involved in your community, allow you to connect with others in your club and in other organisations. You will also have some fun!

    Learn about the projects available

    Read the information in the following resource to learn about Rotary Projects. Scan the types of projects and read about the ones that may interest you. There is also a new website becoming available which will highlight other projects happening across the District. 

    There are many projects that Rotary is involved in locally, nationally and internationally. They are divided into:

    Have a look at the projects available and this will give you a great understanding of the extend of the service Rotary provides.


    Think about the type of project/s that you may be interested in-check with the Chairs of the different portfolios, ask your club directors about club projects and your mentor-they may be able to help guide you. Then get involved in a project as this is a great way to connect with other Rotarians and your community.

  • Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation, supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world.

     The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Its motto is simply “Doing Good in the World”. The Rotary Foundation, established as an endowment fund in 1917, enjoyed modest growth until 1947 when Rotarians made a significant number of contributions in memory of Paul Harris who died in January 1947.

    Rotary clubs and Rotarians raise and contribute funds to The Rotary Foundation annually enabling humanitarian work to be done around the globe.  Clubs can apply for use of these funds for local and international projects providing access to funding not otherwise achievable given their size. Today the fund is almost US$1 billion. Its unique funding model provides for a perpetual capital resource which annually funds thousands of club projects all over the world through Rotary District and Global grants.

    Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation have developed many very influential partnerships that support and expand the scope and effectiveness of the humanitarian programmes and projects throughout the world.One example is the partnership to eradicate polio from the world with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with others.

    The Rotary Foundation was recognised as the world's Outstanding Foundation of 2016 by the International Association of Fundraising Professionals.  This unique award honours organisations that show philanthropic commitment and leadership through financial support, innovation, encouragement of others, and involvement in public affairs.

  • We are RotaryThe benefits of being a Rotarian are many and varied: being part of an organisation that is international allows you to connect with Rotarians internationally, nationally and in your local community. Perhaps what most Rotarians say is being a Rotarian allows you to help others..." to build a better world..."  form friendships with like minded people and have fun. 

    There is also the opportunity to develop a range of personal development skills. The District Learning and Development team have a wide range of courses available including learning about your club, district and leadership development.

    • Learn more about the benefits of being a Rotarian
    • Activity

      Go to the forum and answer the questions. Look at the answers of others.

  • ResourcesAs a new Rotarian you need to take the time to explore the resources available to you.

    Firstly get familiar with the District website (MyDistrict). This site stores information about all Rotarians in the District and what their role is and what groups they belong to. Current news about what is happening in the district and upcoming events are posted on MyDistrict.

    MyRotary and there is a wealth of information and resources available to you in this site.

    The following resources will help you to access these sites so make sure you log onto these sites. If you have any problems then speak to your mentor, they will be able to help you.

    • District 9675 Website

      Go to the following resource and learn how to access and use the District Website.

    • Some tasks to complete

      To use the District Website effectively please complete the following checklist.

    • MyRotary

      MyRotary has a wealth of resources for new Rotarians. Go through the following resource to learn about MyRotary.

    • Activities

      The following activities will help you gain a better understanding of Rotary and what is available in the site.

    • Rotary Down Under

      Rotary Down Under shares the highlights and achievements of Rotarians serving communities throughout Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Learn more about Rotary Down Under in the following resource.

  • Mentoring Being a new Rotarian is exciting but can also be challenging. Rotary is a complex organisation due to its size and multiple projects and functions. 

    A mentor can support you and guide you so that you can realise the full benefits of belonging to this amazing organisation. 

    A mentor will share knowledge, skills, and life experience to guide you; it is a journey of shared discovery. So we encourage you as new Rotarians to find a mentor. This resource will help you understand what a mentor can do for you.

    • Resource on Mentoring

      Read the following information to help you choose mentor for your Rotary journey.

    • Activity

      If you don't have a mentor, please seek one out as they can really help you on your Rotary journey.