Section outline

  • ProjectsThere are many Rotary projects that you can engage in as a new member. All Rotary projects are aligned to its key areas of focus.

    Projects are divided into Community, International, Youth/New Generations, and Vocational. Club projects vary greatly and are designed to best meet the needs of its community.

    Take the time to learn what is available to you as a new Rotarian. Working on a project will get you involved in your community, allow you to connect with others in your club and in other organisations. You will also have some fun!

    Learn about the projects available

    Read the information in the following resource to learn about Rotary Projects. Scan the types of projects and read about the ones that may interest you. There is also a new website becoming available which will highlight other projects happening across the District. 

    There are many projects that Rotary is involved in locally, nationally and internationally. They are divided into:

    Have a look at the projects available and this will give you a great understanding of the extend of the service Rotary provides.


    Think about the type of project/s that you may be interested in-check with the Chairs of the different portfolios, ask your club directors about club projects and your mentor-they may be able to help guide you. Then get involved in a project as this is a great way to connect with other Rotarians and your community.