Section outline

  • People

    Welcome to Rotary and District 9675. What a great journey you have begun. We imagine you are a little overwhelmed with all of the new information you have been presented with on joining the organisation. To help you gain an understanding of Rotary we have developed this resource.

    This will be available for you to access after you have attended the face-to-face workshop or a Zoom session. We will be using this resource to deliver our workshops. 

    One way also to support your learning is to ensure you have a mentor in your club. Choose someone you are comfortable with and who has a deep understanding of Rotary and experience in being a Rotarian.

    Navigating MyLearning

    Read the following instructions on how to navigate MyLearning.

    Rotary Acronyms 

    Rotary uses many acronyms and this may be very confusing for new Rotarians. So download the file of Rotary Acronyms and use it to familiarise yourself with the terms.