4. Goal Setting

What do you want to achieve by being a Rotarian?

Serve to Change Lives

This years theme encourages us to get involved and successfully take action to change lives. This could be our own as well as someone else. 

Think about setting yourself some goals, for the next three months, then six months and then by the end of the Rotary year in 2022. write them down and at the end of each period open the goals and tick off what you have achieved as a new Rotarian. 

Rotary's key areas of focus

Time to reflect again on Rotary's key areas of focus. Choose one the your are interested in and find out what is happening in that area in your club and across the district. Maybe join a group in another country. Go to MyRotary and do a search to see what is available. 

Rotary's seven areas of focus


  1. List the areas of focus from 1 - 7. Number one being the most important to you. 
  2. Discuss these with other members of your Club.
  3. Is your Club already involved in projects in the Areas of Focus?