Board roles and responsibilities

The management of a Rotary Club is the responsibility of the Board. The Board should ensure that the Club:

    • meets the requirements of Rotary International
    • is compliance with proper governance including:
      •  an up to date Constitution and Bylaws
      • requirements to ensure members are covered by insurance when undertaking Rotary functions (including risk assessment)
      • meeting the requirements of Child Protection guidelines
    • conducts meetings and relays information to members

2. Treasurer

Man with computerAs club treasurer you play an important role in your club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support The Rotary Foundation. As club treasurer you keep your club healthy through good financial management.


    • Attend the district training assembly and the District Conference
    • Maintain accurate club financial records
    • Collect dues and use them to pay fees
    • Keep historical financial records in accordance with local document retention laws
    • Manage club and project funds, including paying bills and other expenses and distributing grant and scholarship funds
    • Work with The Rotary Foundation to make contributions and manage grants
    • Make sure that the club follows its budget
    • Develop a budget for next year
    • Give monthly reports to your club’s board
    • Provide regular financial updates during club and board meetings
    • Plan next year’s budget and get it approved by the last quarter of the Rotary year
    • Hand all records over to the incoming treasurer and help him or her transition into the role
    • Write and present a detailed Annual Report at the end of the Rotary year
    • Have your club’s financial activity reviewed at the end of the year by a qualified accountant who is not affiliated with your club 
    • File your Club’s taxes, if required to do so by local or national tax code

Learn more about the role from Ian McKensey, Past District Treasurer

Please note: This recording was made previously and we are reusing it as it is still relevant.


Link to resources in My Rotary

Job Description Treasurer

Club treasurer manual

Foundation bank transfer instructions

Learning Centre

Go to the Rotary International Learning centre login using your My Rotary username and password (be patient the site is a bit slow to load) and search for the following courses:

  • Get Ready: Club Treasurer
  • Managing Club Finances: Club Treasurer