Section outline

  • This resource has been developed to support your ongoing learning. The program uses the expertise of members of the District Leadership team, and the resources of MyRotary.

    The purpose of the resource is to provide you with information to support the management of a Rotary Club.  

    Topics include:

      • District Leadership Team
      • Board Roles and Responsibilities
      • Governance
      • Membership
      • Promoting your club
      • Club Websites
      • Developing effective projects
      • Be a vibrant club
      • Using technology to manage your club
      • Using Zoom.
    • Navigating MyLearning

      We have updated to a newer version so this resource will be upgraded.

    • Rotary Acronyms 

      Rotary uses many acronyms and this may be very confusing for new Rotarians. So download the file of Rotary Acronyms and use it to familiarise yourself with the terms.

    • Overview

      Map 9675The District Leadership Team consists of the following groups:

        • District leadership and governance
        • Rotary Community Leaders
        • Committee of the Association (COTA)
        • Governance committee
        • District appointments
        • District chairs

      The District Leadership Team for 2024-25.

    • Resources
    • Overview of the components of governanceIn this topic you'll learn about the importance of governance. Governance is the system by which an organisation is controlled and operates, including administration, compliance, ethics and accountability. As a Board member it is important to have a thorough knowledge of what's involved in managing your club.

    • Resources
    • Club governance checklist

      Director Club Governance, Ron Browne has developed a Club Governance Checklist to support good governance. We strongly suggest you download the document and use it to improve your governance practices. 

      Governance checklist online

      We have also created the Governance checklist online. Work through it as you prepare for your year and to ensure your club meets governance guidelines.

    • Club health check

      Your president and president elect has access to the current 'Club Health Check' for your club. 

  • Group of peopleAttracting and retaining members is one of the most important activities for Clubs in today's world. The future of your club and Rotary depends on what you do. It is not easy as people are becoming busier and more mobile so we have to think creatively about how we attract new members and keep them engaged.

    To accomplish positive outcomes you need to have a plan. This resource will help you to develop your membership plan.
    • Resources 

      There is a wealth of resources on membership available on My Rotary. Use them to develop your membership plan.

  • Marketing your club can be difficult as it requires expertise and abilities on current trends and tools. The District team is here to help you and we will be conducting learning sessions on marketing and communication techniques. So check the District Calendar for upcoming events and ask your Assistant Governor for help to access the services that are available.

  • Types of websitesClub websites come in many shapes and sizes and are essential for our public image in today's world. The major issue is the setting up of a website and keeping it current where there may be limited capability. At District level we are trying to build a sustainable community of practice where clubs can share ideas and build expertise. 

    Club websites may :

    • Be built using free open source software either by a club member/s or by payment to a website designer
    • A ClubRunner site which is a platform developed by Rotary International and is linked to MyDistrict and MyRotary
    • A social media site such as Facebook. Many clubs have a website and a social media site as they have different uses.

    There area number of issues of which you need to be aware when building and maintaining a site:

    • Writing for the web including the use of media
    • What are the better free platforms to use
    • How to effectively use ClubRunner

    The following Rotary Snippet highlights the importance of websites.

    • ClubRunner

      ClubRunner serves thousands of Rotary Clubs and Districts just like ours across the globe with one goal in mind - to make technology work for anyone, anywhere while enabling Rotarians to streamline club processes and improve productivity. Read more in ClubRunner for Rotary.

    • Connecting with your local community and identifying potential projects can be challenging. Assessing your community’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, and assets is an essential first step in planning  an effective project. By taking time to learn about your community, you can discover the most relevant opportunities for projects and maximise your club’s ability to  make a meaningful impact. 

      A community assessment can help you get a better understanding of the dynamics of your community and help both you and the beneficiaries make important decisions  about service priorities. Even if you’re actively involved in your community, an assessment can reveal additional strengths and opportunities for growth.  Perhaps you’ll find a new way to address a known issue. Before you start an assessment, consider what you specifically want to learn about your community.  An effective assessment will reveal things you did not know before. Doing an assessment also helps you build valuable relationships and encourages community members to actively  participate in making lasting improvements. It’s a critical first step in creating trust, community ownership, and sustainability.

    • Project management

      Project management cycleA project is a temporary and unique endeavour designed to produce a product, service, or result with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or available people) undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value (Wikipedia accessed 24 April 2023).

      MyRotary has a wealth of resources to help you plan a project, acquire the resources you need, implementing the project and promoting it, and then evaluating its results. It will help make your project successful whether it's local or international and whether it's funded by a club, a grant from The Rotary Foundation, or outside sources. Find out more. Projects should be aligned to Rotary's key areas of focus

    • Rotary on several screensIn this topic you'll learn about the the District 9675 website, My Rotary, Rotary Club Central, the Branding Centre and the Learning Centre. These sites help in the management of your club, information and data. Please utilise these platforms and if you do you will reduce time spent on the management of your club. This resource contains information on how to use them.

      In addition, there is a section on social mediaSocial media is part of our everyday lives, both personally and professionally. To stay connected with your members and community, you need more than a club website; you need a strong social media presence too.

    • Resources

  • Zoom logoThis resource will help you to use Zoom effectively. Zoom is a powerful tool for your club to use to stay connected and to be able to invite guest speakers from across the country and even the world!

    In this resource your will learn about:
    • District Zoom accounts and how they work
    • Using Zoom:
      • setting up a meeting
      • managing a meeting
      • sharing your screen
      • recording a meeting
      • using breakout rooms
      • using the whiteboard
      • polling
      • using chat