1. President

As president you lead your club, engage and inspire members, and promote Rotary in your community.


    • Set goals for each committee. Encourage communication between club and district committees. Review activities, goals, and expenditures, and participate in decisions
    • Supervise the preparation of a club budget and proper accounting practices, including an annual financial review
    • Make sure your secretary and treasurer have an account on My Rotary to update membership and club data regularly
    • Collaborate with the district governor and assistant governor on club and district matters
    • Communicate important information from the governor and Rotary International to
    • club members
    • Prepare for the district governor’s required visit
    • Follow Rotary’s youth protection policies and the Statement of Conduct for Working With Youth, and implement the requirements for the Youth Exchange program
    • Plan and lead monthly board meetings
    • Plan and lead interesting and relevant club meetings, and organise fun social events
    • Ensure that comprehensive training is conducted for club members, as needed
    • Involve members in carrying out your club’s goals, outlined in Rotary Club Central
    • Track your club’s goals in Rotary Club Central
    • Encourage members to attend district meetings, and promote the Rotary Convention
    • Attend the district conference
    • Submit an annual report to your club on the club’s status before leaving office
    • Work with your successor before leaving office
    • Arrange for a joint meeting of the incoming board of directors with the outgoing board

Adapted for Rotary International's Your Job as Club President 


Your Job as Club President

Learning Centre 

Go to the Rotary International Learning centre login using your My Rotary username and password (be patient as the site is a bit slow to load) and search for the following course:

  • Club president basics (there are 11 courses in this group)

People meeting