
Administrating a Rotary Club effectively is very important. Effective administration means you will have more time for the fun side of being a Rotarian! What are the goals your club wants to achieve in the next year and in 3 to 5 years? Develop a plan, set achievable goals and decide how they will be achieved. The year ahead then takes on a purpose and members gain a sense of achievement and 'doing good' in their communities. 'Doing good' is why we become Rotarians.  The second part of this resource will give you some information on how to conduct effective club meetings. Hope you find it useful!

2. Strategic planning

2.2. Planning your year

Strategic goalsStrategic planning is important for you as a new president to plan your year ahead. You should have completed your Rotary Health Check and  identified areas for improvement. 

Get a team of members together to set goals and develop plans for achieving those goals. You should align your club's goals to reflect those of your district and Rotary's strategic planDownload the Strategic Planning Guide to help you through the process of developing your plan.

The first step is to identify the club's strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. Think about 'What do we want our club to be like'. 

Next think about how you are going to achieve your short and long term goals. Document the plan setting priorities, actions, and the resources needed. It is important to assign members to the priority and set a timeline for achievement. 

Once you have documented a draft plan, present it to members for comment and to get their 'buy in'. In most clubs there is a significant amount of knowledge and skills. Once there is consensus on the plan it is time to make sure that you have a budget to achieve your priorities!