2. Planning and organising a project

Planning is very important in developing a successful project. Often a project is developed based on a club member's idea and that is okay but reaching out and learning what are the needs of your community and others is a worthwhile endeavour as you may identify more meaningful and impactful projects for your club.

Conduct a community assessment

Get to know your local community and one of the first steps might be to do a community assessment. Assessing your community’s strengths, weaknesses, needs, and assets is a good idea as a first step in planning  an effective project. By taking time to learn about your community, you can discover the most relevant opportunities for projects and maximise your club’s ability to make a meaningful impact;

A community assessment can help you get a better understanding of the dynamics of your community and help both you and the beneficiaries make important decisions about service priorities. Even if you’re actively involved in your community, an assessment can reveal additional strengths and opportunities for growth.  Perhaps you’ll find a new way to address a known issue. 

Rotary has developed a comprehensive assessment process. Worth a read. We have also developed an abridged version for you.

Identify available resources

  • If it is a community project. Consult with the Chair of Community Projects to see what clubs are doing to get some ideas. 
  • the Chair, International Projects can assist you with what other clubs are doing and you may join in a project or they can inform you of the Global Grant  Process 
  • identify sources of funding-local government and service clubs, District Grants etc