4. Rotary Brand Center

Brand CenterThe Rotary Brand Center has a site to support Rotarians using the Rotary Brand effectively. The Brand Center has resources on:

    • People of Action - get everything you need from Rotary's latest public image campaign
    • Guidelines - apply Rotary messaging and visual guidelines to your communications to tell Rotary's story in a consistent and engaging way
    • Logos - download high-resolution logos and Rotary graphics
    • Materials - customisable materials to promote your club, projects and programs
    • Ads - download online, print, outdoor and radio ads to promote Rotary in your community
    • Images and video - select images and videos that capture Rotary's essence and reflect Rotary's work and members

Go to the  Rotary Brand Center and explore. 

Some resources that may be helpful

Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines 

Dos and don'ts of using the Rotary Logo

Identity at a glance

Rotary Brand FAQ