3. Leading your club

3.1. Working with your team

Your club leadership team (Club Board) includes club board members as well as the club trainer, sergeant-at-arms, and committee chairs. Be sure your club has committees that meet its needs. To find out more about Committee structures etc go to Club management>>Board responsibilities

Encourage club leaders to attend district training meetings to prepare for their roles and access the information under Club Management in MyLearning.

The board is elected to manage the interests of the club as a whole and to work closely with you to achieve club goals. You are responsible for running regular club board meetings. Based on the Recommended Rotary Club Bylaws, your club’s board of directors has these responsibilities:

  • Oversee the work of all club officers and committee members
  • Review the monthly report of club finances to make sure the budget includes realistic amounts for club operations and projects. Also to a pprove all expenditures not accounted for in the club budget
  • Approve or reject proposed and other prospective members, including online membership leads, and communicate the decision to those who proposed the members, and to the membership candidates, within 30 days (club secretary  communicates with the proposer)
  • Review club policies in your club bylaws to ensure they are being implemented as intended, and revise them if they are no longer current
  • Consider innovative ways to make the club more flexible, vibrant, attractive to new members, and engaging to current members
  • Explore the needs of your community and international communities to establish club goals.

It is also important that you plan ahead and identify who will be following you as president so you can work with them to ensure continuity in your leadership team.

Think about the following issues

How will you strengthen your relationships with your club leadership team?

How will you develop future leaders?

What ideas do you have working with your assistant governor and governor?
