2. Constitution and bylaws

Each Rotary Club must have an up to date Constitution that is registered with the Department of Fair Trading. A club Bylaws must also be up to date and align to the Constitution.

Recently District 9675 updated the generic Club Constitution that was developed in 2017 so that it was inline with the changes that had occurred to the Rotary International Constitution. 

All clubs were asked to update these changes in their Constitution and upload the changes to the Department of Fair Trading (if they had updated their Constitution in 2017). If Clubs had not updated their Constitution in 2017 then Clubs need to lodge the new Constitution ie in total. 

Updated Constitution (September 2023). Link to the Department of Fair Trading Form 6 which must be completed and upload with the cost of $50. 

Current generic Bylaws (September 2023)

You may also need to consult the Rotary International Manual of Procedures