
3. Managing meetings effectively

3.8. Changeover

ChangeoverChangeover is a very important for clubs and it is essential that proper protocol is followed. 

Changeover checklist

  1. Book venue.
  2. When planning check other local Clubs dates and share yours to avoid local clashes.
  3. Organise an events manager to take bookings and organise catering.
  4. Invite District Governor first so they are locked in.
  5. Invite other local club presidents and local dignitaries.
  6. If you are planning presentations invite guests and recipients early so they save the date. 
  7. Organise all the directors to do a report and amalgamate these into an Annual Club Report.
  8. Plan program – see examples.
  9. Organise and brief the Master of Ceremonies in the correct protocol. For example you must acknowledge the District Governor or representatives first, Rotary presidents etc. then local dignitaries.
  10. Organise someone to do the Toast to Rotary International – be sure it is correct.
  11. Must be a Past District Governor to do the response to  Rotary International Toast (if one is not in attendance then someone from the District Governor team).
  12. Organise a thank you gift for the outgoing President and partner if there is one.
  13. Prepare a display highlighting awards and achievements – highlighting the last year.
  14. If organising a cake with the Rotary logo ensure it is the correct logo (see Marketing and Public Image for guidelines).
  15. Program for the tables.
  16. Plan seating arrangements so District Governor or those representing the District Governor is seated with president and that other dignitaries are greeted and looked after by a Rotarian.


You will need to change the theme icons for the upcoming year (available in Marketing and Public Image under Rotary Themes). Also ensure your club logo is correct.

Program 1

Program 2

Running sheet