District projects

2. Community projects

2.1. Environment and sustainability

Rotary International has begun to seriously consider Environmental Sustainability as a 7th Area of Focus,  for Rotary projects worldwide, qualifying for Global and District Grants. So, in 2020, our District will establish its own Environment and Sustainability Committee to encourage and support Club projects, throughout and beyond the District. These projects could include:

    • Planting trees and restoring forests,
    • Reducing plastic pollution and carbon footprints, 
    • Initiating renewable energy projects,
    • Building community gardens, and
    • Advocating for a low-carbon future. 

The Committee will make an inventory of the sustainable projects already underway in the District. It will also make presentations and suggest how individual Clubs can contribute to this new Area of Focus, with Sustainability Awards to add onto Club Citations.

We also believe that this will enable Clubs to attract new members who see Rotarians addressing climate and environmental issues with commitment.

Watch the following video clip to find out more: