
3. Managing meetings effectively

3.7. Annual General Meeting and election of officers

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) should be held within 6 months of the end of the financial year (ie. by 31st December). Ensure you have a quorum (see your By-Laws for clarification)

The AGM agenda should include:

    • The adoption of Minutes of the previous AGM
    • The election of Officers and Auditor
    • Approval of audited accounts from the previous year:
      • For Clubs that generate an income of more than $250,000 per year this is mandatory
      • Clubs who generate less than $250,000 per year the financial records can be reviewed by two club members who have a background in finance, however, many clubs still choose to undertake an external audit as accepted best practice
    • Lodge an annual statement by the Public Officer with the Department of Fair Trading within one month after AGM
    • Time period to notify members of any meeting is 21 days.

At the AGM your Board for the following year should be elected:

    • All positions on your Board. The president's position must change yearly except in exceptional circumstances then the president may continue for a period of 18 months.
    • One month before elections, members nominate candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any open Director positions. The nominations may be presented by a nominating committee, by members from the floor, or both.
    • A nominated person from the Club can be the returning officer if there is more than one nomination. Usually the returning office is the Club secretary
    • Communication of the results is via circulation of the minutes from the meeting and Club Bulletin

Please note: check your Club Bylaws for clarification on the AGM process.

A sample agenda and instructions is available on page 90 of the 'Running an incorporated association in NSW'

Reference: Rotary Constitution, Article 7, Section 2.