Ethics and accountability

4. Transparency in decision making

You may think that as President you have the overall right to make decisions, however, this ‘commander’ archetype of leadership is becoming less and less relevant in modern organisations. It is being replaced by a facilitative practice of leadership. Accountability and transparency are at the heart of effective governance, and effective governance is required to underpin the viability of your club.

Being transparent in your decision making will:

    • foster a feeling of trust amongst members
    • involve members in the decision making process 
    • empower members to feel that they have some control over the decision making process
    • if a consensus is not reached, at least members will feel they have been part of the process and understand the outcome
    • it shows a respect for minority views.

This type of openness between a President and members creates trust and leads to a successful club. Transparency is an ongoing process that can have ongoing results.